
Not too long ago it seemed to many, if not most people that it had been a truly a terrible, horrible, no good very bad week for trump because previously unknown and damaging information emerged that would sink any other politician but at least would certainly cause some of his supporters to re-evaluate their positions.Continue reading “covidocaust”

don the con

Well MJE isn’t letting the goddam crab grass grow under my feet…no sir-ree these are perilous times and demand urgent action. I sure don’t want to be sitting here on November 4th, 8th , 23rd or whenever the hell we find out the results of the election thinking, if I had just done a bitContinue reading “don the con”


TRIGGER WARNING!! The contents of the following post contain commentary or opinions which may offend some of my followers. MJE is taking off her opera length white kid gloves and taking the proverbial bull by the balls and assert, without fear of contradiction that the establishment republican party is kaput, dead, defunct, expired. But evenContinue reading “trumplicans”