
MJE is sick of being trapped in paradise. Trust me I love seclusion, but with the OB&C right here, right now it’s not really isolation, it’s we-solation. BIG difference. I keep telling him to go somewhere, anywhere. Take a walk, go fishing, go canoeing, chop down something, clean the gutters, power wash the house, organizeContinue reading “we-solation”

corona: together forever, and ever

Whew, MJE and the OB&C are slowly creeping toward the end of our fortnight of  forced coronatine  and man it is getting to be touch and go. Distance undoubtably makes the heart grow fonder but being stuck together 24/7 is making both of us flatline. In half a century of wedded bliss we’ve certainly hadContinue reading “corona: together forever, and ever”

dripping, slipping and itching oh my

MJE has made her annual pilgrimage to the big sleazy, gotta keep those home fires burning baby…make sure the OB&C remains fat and happy. He is, as per usual, plagued by a litany of ailments, several typical of people in his demographic. i.e. aging men. Most of his distressing conditions are generally located in anContinue reading “dripping, slipping and itching oh my”

  The OB&C, as my loyal readers know, has recently suffered possibly the greatest loss in his life, short of his libido, the theft of his 2001 chevy silverado truck (273,428 miles). Initially he was virtually comatose, lying face down, christ-like, in the empty driveway wallowing in the last lingering puddle of transmission fluid, hisContinue reading