cage fight: zumba vs covid-19

MJE went to the grocery store the other day and was greeted with a sign stating that the store was open for seniors only, between 7am and 8am. Huh? What old geezer, MJE included, gets up and goes to the grocery store at that hour? That’s like saying the store will be open for alcoholicsContinue reading “cage fight: zumba vs covid-19”

the colossal corona cockup

We know we are in deep dung when we are forced to rely on governors and local authorities to control a pandemic. You know, those jokers who never seem to do anything except line their pockets and appoint relatives to the payroll. But sadly, that’s about all we’ve got to get us through this clusterfuck.Continue reading “the colossal corona cockup”

melanoma’s safe space

No woman that I can think of would ever welcome any sort of kidney infection, no way no how, unless you are melanoma that is. My guess is that she most likely considers her current condition to be nothing short of a gift from god. Ensconced in a luxurious private room in a hospital acrossContinue reading “melanoma’s safe space”

medicare/rx sux

I just received, via the failing us postal service, my most recent medicare/rx supplemental insurance statement which shows that my plan has paid precisely zero toward any of my prescriptions this year. Yet this coverage is, according to the incessant anxiety inducing advertisements, the only thing standing between me and the monstrous vortex of theContinue reading “medicare/rx sux”

well done

Okay, so after eleven months, the medical industrial complex has finally wrung MJE dry and kicked me to the curb…my right hooter has been mammogrammed, programmed, pajamagrammed, MRI’d, FYI’d, DIY’d, x-rayed, blue rayed, inspected, bisected, dissected, irrigated, oxygenated and irradiated. Every doc, nurse, orderly, lab tech and passerby in several states has felt it, heldContinue reading “well done”

the annual physical

The OB&C is just back from his annual physical. I had preemptively emailed the doc to bring up the one thing I think might actually be lurking about :Alzheimer ‘s. His family is riddled with it (admittedly his mother had so little upstairs that it took a good long while to tell) and I thinkContinue reading “the annual physical”

nurse navigator

As my readers who’ve paid attention (and give a rat’s ass) may suspect, MJE’s been diagnosed with a wee bit o’ trouble,  bumpulous on chesticle. Nothing she can’t handle and she does hope the experience provides oodles of good material. But so far so boring, “Strip to the waist, put on the gown open toContinue reading “nurse navigator”

remembering names?

I just read my daily email from Luminosity, a “brain training” outfit that promises to get your mind to do what it hasn’t done in years: think. They apparently are of the opinion that I am one blank stare from the alzheimer’s wing or they wouldn’t hound me every morning. Alternately it could be thatContinue reading “remembering names?”