unlocked and unloaded

MJE just read the announcement that amazon prime members may now have orders delivered directly to their cars! As I interpret it, you download an app onto your cell phone and when the delivery man is within 2 blocks of your car he opens “the trunk” and drops your stuff right in there. He thenContinue reading “unlocked and unloaded”

charm offensive

I know MJE constantly whines about customer service agents, but this time I am giving kudos to not only whoever penned this beauty but also the poor souls who are required to answer incoming calls with this greeting… Agent: How may I charm you today? MJE: Huh? Agent: How may I charm you today? ThatContinue reading “charm offensive”

medicare/rx sux

I just received, via the failing us postal service, my most recent medicare/rx supplemental insurance statement which shows that my plan has paid precisely zero toward any of my prescriptions this year. Yet this coverage is, according to the incessant anxiety inducing advertisements, the only thing standing between me and the monstrous vortex of theContinue reading “medicare/rx sux”