my my my corona

Trump: Welcome to the first meeting of the world famous trump corona virus task force. Even though I know more than anybody about this thing, I mean you can’t even see the damn thing, so who know if it even exists, probably not. But many people really, really wanted to get on in this dealContinue reading “my my my corona”

mardi grawwwww and beyond

MJE is still recovering from mardi gras in the big sleazy, whoof.! It gets harder to bounce back from debauchery every year. However, it’s required.  Curious how seriously christians take a festival that originated in pre-christian rome as saturnalia. There are undeniable similarities between the two… A mock king is chosen and honored during theContinue reading “mardi grawwwww and beyond”

benevolent sinning

I was just reading an article in the local rag about the observance of lent. The piece reported that Pope Francis, in his annual Lenten message to the faithful, said that just giving up something you like is not enough. You need to do something that benefits others. Well, as my loyal readers know, MJEContinue reading “benevolent sinning”