coup coup clockwork orange

On wednesday, january 6th  2021 the american president exhorted thousands of his rabid trumpalumpas, qimbeciles, q balls, screw balls, furballs, fascists, racists, haters, wingnuts, lugnuts, maganuts, cronuts, and other assorted pond scum to storm the capitol building because he had convinced them that he was robbed of his victory in the election. Having primed theContinue reading “coup coup clockwork orange”

a little divine help here

Well, it’s T-six days until we find out if we have learned anything as a nation about whom not to elect president. Signs are hopeful that our national nightmare, disgrace and general disgust will finally be over. But it ain’t over until the fat lady sings and I have  yet to start trilling. Seems likeContinue reading “a little divine help here”

welfare king, or how I got $100K in medical care for $750

Okay, mje doesn’t need one more reason to want an end to trump’s destructive reign but this one is personal. I had a perfectly good post ready to launch but don’t ya know it, he had to jam himself into my editorial space and poof! Like that it was as if what I commented onContinue reading “welfare king, or how I got $100K in medical care for $750”


Not too long ago it seemed to many, if not most people that it had been a truly a terrible, horrible, no good very bad week for trump because previously unknown and damaging information emerged that would sink any other politician but at least would certainly cause some of his supporters to re-evaluate their positions.Continue reading “covidocaust”

don the con

Well MJE isn’t letting the goddam crab grass grow under my feet…no sir-ree these are perilous times and demand urgent action. I sure don’t want to be sitting here on November 4th, 8th , 23rd or whenever the hell we find out the results of the election thinking, if I had just done a bitContinue reading “don the con”


TRIGGER WARNING!! The contents of the following post contain commentary or opinions which may offend some of my followers. MJE is taking off her opera length white kid gloves and taking the proverbial bull by the balls and assert, without fear of contradiction that the establishment republican party is kaput, dead, defunct, expired. But evenContinue reading “trumplicans”

corona’s gonna getcha

Obviously as an almighty being you know better than I do, but I have a bad feeling that we are barely into the top of the fifth inning with covid…I guess when I asked whatever diety that might exist to deliver our nation from the clutches of the current resident of the oval office inContinue reading “corona’s gonna getcha”

so many wars

In case you may have missed this newsflash, our country is under a withering siege by vicious drug cartels. Those dastardly drug lords think that just because the federal government is tying itself in gordian knots figuring out what the hell to do about COVID-19 that we’ve taken our eye off the real killer here,Continue reading “so many wars”

the colossal corona cockup

We know we are in deep dung when we are forced to rely on governors and local authorities to control a pandemic. You know, those jokers who never seem to do anything except line their pockets and appoint relatives to the payroll. But sadly, that’s about all we’ve got to get us through this clusterfuck.Continue reading “the colossal corona cockup”

the blame game!

Let’s get to it because I’m pretty goddam busy, first I want you fake news deep state morons to take a good look and see that I am wearing my awesome flight jacket with the presidential seal to show that I am totally in control of this corona crap. I only wear it when peopleContinue reading “the blame game!”