woo hoo houthis

I don’t know about you but I am having a hard time keeping all of the terrorist groups straight. First off, is it a rule in the terrorist handbook that if you decide to start a new terrorist group, or an off shoot of an existing one, that the name has to begin with anContinue reading “woo hoo houthis”

corona’s gonna getcha

Obviously as an almighty being you know better than I do, but I have a bad feeling that we are barely into the top of the fifth inning with covid…I guess when I asked whatever diety that might exist to deliver our nation from the clutches of the current resident of the oval office inContinue reading “corona’s gonna getcha”

we’ve got the whole world in our hands

Wow, who knew we could simply buy all or part of another country in this day and age? I thought that went the way of the dodo bird. The united states spends tremendous sums of money and sacrifices thousands upon thousands of american lives and millions of soldiers and civilians on the other side toContinue reading “we’ve got the whole world in our hands”

summit or sand trap?

Holy mother of pearl… how in less than a day did the conald manage to piss off all of our closest allies, basically telling them to go fork themselves, because we are goddam america and we don’t need you pathetic needy pipsqueaks. Not in the trenches, not in the foxholes, not in the deserts ofContinue reading “summit or sand trap?”

seven days in may…

MJE has been recently compelled to work triple time, which I resent, to find anything humorous about what the hell is happening in our country at the moment. It wasn’t bad enough that the lily livered, mean spirited repubes folded like cheap suitcases to take health care coverage away from millions of americans. Admittedly underContinue reading “seven days in may…”

give me religious liberty or give me death by a thousand duck bites

It’s a damned good thing that MJE took her cholesterol meds this am because reading the crawling chyron of trump’s speech in the rose garden prior to signing the “religious liberty” executive order just about blew a hole in my aorta. When trump utters “religious liberty” surely MJE’s readers, who are a pretty sharp bunch,Continue reading “give me religious liberty or give me death by a thousand duck bites”

all in the family

In the interest of cutting back governmental spending and streamlining bureaucracy, the conald has opted to appoint his son-in-law, jarred to replace the entire cabinet, joint chiefs and white house landscaping crew. Although he has no governmental, diplomatic, military or horticultural experience, jarred, in the conald’s words, “brings a really, really great combination of ignorance,Continue reading “all in the family”

game of clowns

MJE is in a state of exhaustion watching the frenetic pace at which the president and his goon squad are digging such a massive political sinkhole. I am also deeply embarrassed at the level of ineptitude exhibited by the aforementioned bunch of birdbrains. If I didn’t know better, I’d suspect they were deliberately trying toContinue reading “game of clowns”

fast and furious

MJE is unable to keep up! I knew the conald said he’d work fast but who knew that within the first six weeks of his becoming president he’d go from having to fire his head nsa guy, to having his attorney general recuse himself from an investigation because he lied under oath during his confirmationContinue reading “fast and furious”